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Chapter 18. The Markets for the Factors of Production. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Economics. 7th edition


Introduction The Demand for labor The Demand for labor

-The competitive Profit-Maximizing Firm The Demand for labor

-The Production Function and the Marginal Product of Labor The Demand for labor

-The Production Function and the Marginal Product of Labor The Demand for labor

-The Value of the Marginal Product and the Demand for Labor The Demand for labor

- What Causes the Labor

-Demand Curve to Shift? The Supply of Labor

- The Trade-off between Work and Leisure The Supply of Labor

- What Causes the Labor

-Supply Curve to Shift? Equilibrium in the labor market Equilibrium in the labor market

- Shifts in Labor Supply Equilibrium in the labor market

- Shifts in Labor Demand The Other Factors of Production: Land and Capital The Other Factors of Production: Land and Capital

- Equilibrium in the Markets for Land and Capital The Other Factors of Production: Land and Capital

- Equilibrium in the Markets for Land and Capital The Other Factors of Production: Land and Capital

- Linkages among the Factors of Production The Other Factors of Production: Land and Capital

- Linkages among the Factors of Production Conclusion

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