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Chapter 11. Quick Check Multiple Choice . Public Goods and Common Resources. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Economics. 7th edition


1. Which categories of goods are excludable? a. private goods and club goods b. private goods and common resources c. public goods and club goods d. public goods and common resources.


2. Which categories of goods are rival in consumption? a. private goods and club goods b. private goods and common resources c. public goods and club goods d. public goods and common resources


3. Which of the following is an example of a public good? a. residential housing. Rival and excludable b. national defense. Non rival and no excludable. PUBLIC GOOD c. restaurant meals. Rival and excludable. d. fish in the ocean. Rival and no excludable.


4. Which of the following is an example of common resource? a. residential housing. Rival and excludable b. national defense. Non rival and no excludable c. restaurant meals. Rival and excludable. d. fish in the ocean. Rival and no excludable. COMMON RESOURCE.


5. Public goods are a. efficiently provided by market forces. False b. underprovided in the absence of government. True c. overused in the absence of government. False d. a type of natural monopoly. False


6. Common resources are a. efficiently provided by market forces. b. underprovided in the absence of government. c. overused in the absence of government. d. a type of natural monopoly.

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